
Is My Relationship Healthy? Quiz

Is my Relationship Healthy? *Score each statement on a scale 0 to 5: 0 = never true — 5 = always true

I feel understood by my partner
I understand my partner well
I feel my partner and I trust each other
I feel safe emotionally, physically, intellectually, and spiritually in the relationship
I feel like my partner cares about my needs
I care about my partner’s needs
I feel like I can be myself around my partner
I feel supported by my partner
I enjoy spending time with my partner
My partner and I have similar values and goals in life
I enjoy physical affection with my partner
I feel there is a good balance of closeness and independence in the relationship
I feel I can set boundaries in the relationship
I respect my partner’s boundaries
I feel I have a life outside the relationship
I feel satisfied by the communication in the relationship
I feel appreciated by my partner
I feel we can work through conflicts together and repair hurts
I feel satisfied with our sex life
When I think of my partner, I generally think positively about my partner and our relationship

Total score:

This will give you a total score out of 100.  Notice what statements had a higher score (3, 4, 5) and express gratitude to yourself and your partner for these.  Notice what statements had a lower score (0, 1, 2).  Consider discussing these with your partner with the intention of helping both people have a better experience in the relationship.  An overall low score may mean low compatibility in the long term or that there have been unresolved issues for some time.  Consider seeking therapy for more support.